Stigma Surrounding The ‘Mental Health Issues’

Does the topic ‘Mental Health’ concern you? If yes, you must definitely read this. Mental Health seems to be the most trending topic on the Internet these days. A lot of people who have battled the odds of an unstable mental condition have documented their experiences online. These experiences reveal a lot about why addressing depression and similar mental health issues is a necessary step towards ensuring an individual’s better mental being.

As per a study, 1 in 5 adults has a mental health condition. Considering the exposure of the youth to online record journals, the fact stays established that a lot of them do not even go for a treatment at any point in their lives. A lot of people do not want to discuss it with their families because they fear getting mocked at or plainly overlooked.

A lot of us need to realize that mental health issues do not always mean mental illness or similarly dreaded instances. However, if they are not addressed timely, they tend to leave damaging effects.

What to do if someone near you is facing a similar mental health issue?

If somebody you care for, is battling strong mental issues like anxiety, suggest them to get in touch with numbers from Psychcentral. You will help them lead a better life because the threat here isn’t just hypothetical.

Why do these issues exist?

There can never be a universal reason for the increase in the number of people who are facing similar mental health issues such as Anxiety, Phobias, Depression, stress etc. Some deal with it because of several post-accident traumas. Bullying, puberty damage, genetics etc., are other major reasons here. A lot of people find it difficult to cope up with the society pressures and succumb to it.

Not a lot of mental health professionals can be found in remote areas and this further worsens the problem.


  • Sadness is never a constant being of the human mind. If somebody around you portrays this trait, provide them with the necessary guidance and professional help.
  • Never leave your loved ones alone. The human heart and mind crave company and attention. If somebody likes to stay aloof a lot, this is a red flag.
  • Not just others, you need to constantly monitor yourself for such signs. If you have recently been putting up weight or either losing it, seek help.

Never be a reason for someone’s suffering. Always keep a watch on cyber and campus bullying. As a sensitive citizen, we have to play our roles to help people mitigate the damages done.

So, if you see someone who might need help, never put it aside. Arrange for proper care and treatment. Mental health makes up for the largest part of our personality. The collective well-being of a mentally happy society is our moral obligation.