How To Attract Your Soul Mate By Law Of Attraction

Believe it or not, everyone has a soul mate, even you dear reader who has given up the idea of having one. Maybe you have met a number of people who seemed to be ideal but eventually, it turned out to be the complete opposite, and you got your heart broken. It is normal and okay to be cautious about getting into any relationships after that, but the truth is, you need to heal from this and find inner peace so as to begin the journey of attracting your soul mate.

How does the law attraction fit in all this? The law attraction is a principle that purposes to teach humans to create their own experiences because it follows the belief that life is a manifestation of thoughts. Since this is a scientifically proven fact, there is a lot to show that if you invest your energy in certain thoughts and things, all life will flow to it. Here are ways to attract your soul mate using the law of attraction.


The law of attraction maintains that it is all in mind ergo if you believe it will happen, the law will make it happen. There are numerous theories to support this, and the universe in its mysterious ways will turn things to your advantage if you believe in the things that you want to happen. This way, you need to focus on things you can control such as your thoughts and your attitude. Believe that you are totally deserving of love and soul mate. If you have people in your life that do not support you in this, drop them. You do not need any amount of negativity in your life.


When you love yourself, you gain more confidence. It also creates a benchmark on how you should be treated by others. Living by example will make it harder to attract people who do not have your best interests at heart. On top of that, loving yourself makes it easier to love another because you have enough love to go around. Criticizing and disrespecting yourself creates a ripple by creating negative energy that will, in turn, repel others. Identify things you love about yourself and use it to your advantage. Someone said, “Self-love means understanding that you are an integral part of the universe. It means understanding that the first most responsible for and best-equipped to meet your emotional wellbeing is the person closest to you, which will always be you.”


You could create a mental picture of your ideal partner in your mind focusing on certain aspects about them such as personality, how they look, smell and behave. If you find this difficult, you could write it down with the exact things you would want in a soul mate. Since this is not set in stone, you can make adjustments to the kind of relationship you want to have with them until you are satisfied with what is in your imagination. Continue dreaming this until such a point when it will become a reality.


You need patience for this to work. This is not magic, you will not get what you want at the snap of your fingers. You need to give it time to manifest. See, the main reason most people think the law of attraction does not work is that they give up before they have had their desires fulfilled. The giving up may be caused by lack of faith or having a deep fear of disappointment. But isn’t it better to have tried and failed than never to have tried at all?


Having doubt creates negative energy that if not guarded will result in the reduction of your chances of having your dreams come true. When you want something, you need to be sure about it and do everything in your power to get it. You need to find a way to quell those feelings of the doubt even if it means getting someone to keep you in check of your feelings. Normally a good support system should help with this.


Jealousy is normal, especially in love. You may see someone, a friend, experiencing something you have wanted for a while. In this case, your friend may have found their soul mate. Like all negative emotions, jealousy ruins things and could transform you into this negative person who no one wants to be around. And just like that, you will lose your hope of ever finding your own soul mate. For that matter, try to be happy for your friends and believe that your own opportunity is on its way.


Above all, remember to take care of yourself because if you do not, no one else will. Like attracts like. You will only attract the kind of soul mate that is more like you. The same way you will be treated the way you treat yourself. When you are nice to yourself, you will notice a general improvement in yourself. You will happier and who does not like being around a happy person? Become the person you want others to see, for yourself by cultivating good virtues and qualities that you admire. Eventually, when the right guy comes along, you will not have to change a thing about yourself. They will just fit right into your life, treating you how you would like to be treated and behaving in a manner that is appropriate.

The law of attraction is proven science, and if you keep your thoughts positive and focus on what you want, I guarantee you will have the world.