Best Strategies To Improve Your Self-Directed Learning Experience
Learning and acquiring news skills swiftly and effectively is essential in today’s society. You are required to adapt to changes and technological advancements. Therefore, many people turn to self-directed learning to learn or add to the core skills they had already learned formally in school. Continuous learning and improving the skills and knowledge that you possess requires dedication.
Choosing self-directed learning can be challenging regardless of how motivated or bright you are. However, this shouldn’t deter you. Some strategies and tips may help you to have an easier understanding hence, a more effortless learning experience using this approach. Here are strategies to help your learning experience if you are contemplating following the self-directed learning model.
1. Have an Excellent Reason to Learn and Know Your Expected Outcome
Many times you may come across people who understand why it is crucial to continue enriching your knowledge. However, most times, individuals don’t know the exact skill set they intend to learn and why. Most only know that they want to learn something new or popular in their areas of preference.
If you would like to get the most out of self-directed learning, you may need to work with specifics. You should know what you want to learn precisely and why you want to learn it. If you are not thorough with your reasons, it may be challenging to set specific and achievable goals. When you are not specific with your goals, you are unlikely to imagine the results, which means chances are high you will give up on learning this new skill.
Therefore, what is essential is to map out a specific skill that you are intentionally interested in learning. You should also know why you want to learn this skill and how this new skill will transform or impact your life. Knowing what you want will enable you to become more dedicated to this new principle and set actionable learning goals.
2. Aim to Remain Self-Motivated
Enjoying the learning process because you genuinely find it interesting is vital. Without any interest in what you do, you will not be able to achieve significant results. Long story short, you must be passionate about what you want to get. When you choose to learn something that you derive fulfillment from, it will be easy to enjoy the learning process. You will not rely on motivation from outsiders as you will already feel motivated personally. For instance, if you are learning to become an academic writer, you will take it upon yourself to research this field without feeling like you are doing a chore.
Also, stop thinking that something can fail, just forget about everything and do. Even if your progress is not that evident. In future it might become something worth. Worrying is just a waste of time.
For instance, you may purchase articles and journals written by professional academic writers such as those from to hone your skill. You may even visit online and physical libraries to read books on academic writing. One way to ensure that you remain self-motivated is to set higher goals for yourself and then align them with your life purpose. It will help you to focus on personal development.
3. Set Realistic and Achievable Goals
Goal setting is vital in improving your self-directed learning experience. Goals keep you focused, in addition to strengthening your resolve. The plans you set for your learning experience should be:
– specific (or precise, so that to give you clarity on what you are willing to get eventually);
– realistic (be objective to yourself and identify whether you are capable of doing it, have time or money for it);
– timed (there must be time frames in order to track the process);
– measurable (you must ask yourself quantitative and qualitative questions, so that to measure your goal).
They should also be intended for particular periods.
This specificity will enable you to map out what you intend to have covered in a specific time frame.
Writing down your goals is also advisable. When doing it you can clearly understand what to set aside and what to focus on. Furthermore, you can track your progress and define best practices. These written goals will remind you of what you want to achieve and where you intend to be in a given time. It will also serve as motivation to keep going whenever the learning gets tough. This technique will help you to be more efficient and to get rid of stress.
4. Adopt a Growth Mindset
Adopting this mindset may be particularly difficult, mostly if you have grown up in the traditional learning system. However, it would be best to shift your mindset from being good or bad in a subject.
Instead, understand that what matters in this kind of learning is gradual and consistent progress. With focus and determination, you should grasp these concepts and slowly know how they apply to real-life situations.
One should stop seeking approval in order to put the process of learning in the first place.
Learning cannot be fast, so the main thing is not to consider speed to be more important than growth.
This will ultimately help you gain knowledge and expertise rather than just scoring good grades, which is not always an indication of understanding a subject.
5. Come Up with Practical Ways of Applying Your Knowledge
In the traditional learning approach, the rewards of having good grades or showing exemplary results are concrete. For instance, a good track athlete will receive medals for outstanding performance. It may not be the case for you as a self-directed learner. However, you do reap a reward from the learning experience itself.
By applying what you have learned, you will be able to make more concrete rewards. For instance, you can start a project with the knowledge that you have acquired. These projects will eventually help you and other members of society.
Take Away
Self-directed learning is sustainable and fulfilling. These tips will help you have the right mindset as you embark on your self-directed learning experience.